Monday, April 19, 2010

The what-ifs of training

I know, I know, I have badgered enough about training already. It is a topic of interest to me, especially in our current knowledge driven economy, given the huge amounts of training dollars spent every year by companies around the world. I co-authored a series of articles on how firms can use training to enrich their human capital. The academic articles are under review, but this series was written for the ISB insight magazine, based on research with my colleagues at ISB, U-Conn, and Carlson. If you are interested, you can read them here. {Caution, it is a biggish .pdf file.}

But we know (and delight in) that firms, much like individuals, vary in their behavior, be it policies, organizational structures, or, umm, training. What I did not know as a researcher? That firms vary in their definition and conception of “providing training.”

As usual Scott Adams sets me right.