Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An introduction to this blog

I have loved computers since I was this high (as you can’t see this, this is irrelevant), and I was delighted to be part of the IT bandwagon as soon as I could.

When I did decide to jump into academia and pursue a PhD, it seemed natural for me to look for managerial problems in the domain of IT. I applied to and got accepted in the doctoral program at the famed Carnegie Mellon University.

Not to toot my horn, but this pretty much rocked. A truly inter disciplinary university, the distinctions between departments and even schools was blurred as far as research went. I learned a lot at the place, but I truly learned to appreciate and tweak out the business value of IT.

Loving mathematics as I do, the economics of IT/IS attracted me a discipline, and I took several foundation courses (you know the drill, right? Microeconomics, Econometrics, Game Theory, Probability, Industrial Org) and thought was well equipped to delve into the real meaty problems.


I did learn one thing though, there is way more to learn, and I am but started. This is a journey in the truest sense. One doesn’t arrive, but savors the toil.

So what is this blog about? I shall write my thoughts on the topics in the IS/IT research that interest me, and will try to explain some concepts that I can in my humble way. I will also opine on the business problems that our research domain has looked at.

Enjoy the ride!

PS: To any one who is interested in a PhD in this area, do drop me a line.

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